Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Personal Attacks

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

There's a lively discussion, on the KUNM Volunteers Ideas List, about freedom of speech, hate speech and program content. You can read my replies in my Radio Blog.

Today, I had to write this:

It's funny. Heterosexual, white males are allowed to question the wisdom of pornographcally violent content in programming, and, while their opinions may be addressed and challenged, nobody says, "YOU don't know what you're talking about..."

And it's interesting that most of the defenders of free speech vs. hate speech in the Street Beat dialogue are able-bodied, straight, white guys of privilege, btw.

When I, a mixed-race, disabled, queer woman assert an opinion, I get personal attacks. Is this because the privileged find it necessary to attempt to silence, even destroy, anybody who inconveniences them with needs different than their own? Am I being told to shut up and get in the back of the bus?

Twice in the past week, I've been encouraged, by webmasters of the KUNM site, to post to the forums. I remember an attempt by one of them to "shame," silence, and discredit me for doing just that! The forums were dead; I knew that; I utilized the resource to publish commentary & poetry, based on programming and news stories.

I'm using my experience as an EXAMPLE here. I am NOT soliciting pity. I'm a very strong person, and I can CERTAINLY stand up to this. I lived in the so-called "War Zone" for 15 years and suffered the impact of a popular culture that's turning us all in to prison inmates and guards. How many of the posters here have had their crotches and breasts grabbed, on a regular basis, simply for walking to the store for groceries?

But others in marginalized subgrous, treated the same way, might not be so lucky. And I think it creates an atmosphere where others WON'T voice opinions and concerns, for fear of being singled out.

Personal attacks do NOT promote dialogue. They are unhealthy to this freedom of speech we are so adamant to defend.

This is a COMMUNITY. We ought to treat each other with respect and honor the dignity of our members.
I'm not going to shut up, just because a few people find my words inconvenient.

My concern is for those others who are more easily intimidated by an atmosphere which promotes personal attack.

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