Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Thursday, April 26, 2007


You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

These are my replies to the Program Director of KUNM.

I realize you're very busy, with many facts and details which you must remember. So, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, and assuming you've forgotten I have PTSD.

"Paranoid" is one of many psychiatric terms which are frequently misused, in popular culture, as epithets. This furthers the stigmatization of, and discrimination against, people with physical disabilities that have been diagnosed as "psychiatric."

It is inappropriate for any supervisor to use psychiatric terminology in such a casual way with a subordinate, especially one who is challenged by psychiatric stigmatization, such as I.

Further, I wasn't being paranoid; I was asking for clarification.

I was also asking to be addressed with respect. Your reply indicates I can't trust you to do that, and I find it frustrating, frightening and discouraging.

Your reply was still unclear, and I still don't know why you've objected to my post to the ideas list.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), is unlikely to help much, despite its aim of eliminating discrimination in employment against people with disabilities, including alleged psychiatric disabilities. As Jonas Robitscher, J.D., M.D., said in his book The Powers of Psychiatry prior to the enactment of the ADA: "The disclosure that one is or has been mentally ill can lead to rejection, and other reasons for the rejection can always be found. ... Forcing private employers to hire the disabled would raise issues of invasion of privacy and problems of enforcement. Stigmatization will continue to be a problem, and discrimination will continue to exist" (p. 241-242). In areas covered by the ADA, availing oneself of its protection will probably require large amounts of time spent in litigation and a lot of money paid in lawyer's fees, with uncertain results.

From: Rogi Riverstone
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:43 PM>
Subject: RE: [KUNMIDEAS-L] kunm.org/psa/ page has> misinformation.> >
"Bring something like" what?> > I have no idea why you object to my post, nor do I> see> you offer any alternative remedies.> >

I suppose I must "obey" you, simply because you've> told me to, but I don't know: why, how. I'd> appreciate> a little respect, rather than demands of arbitrary> obedience.> > Is it because Dean doesn't work there anymore?> Because, if that's your objection, the information> should have been removed from the page very long> ago,> and was public record. I simply quoted a public> website. So, I see nothing untoward that I've done.> >

-----Original Message-----> > From: Gather ideas from KUNM volunteers> > [on Behalf Of Rogi Riverstone> > Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:15 PM> >
Subject: [KUNMIDEAS-L] kunm.org/psa/ page has> > misinformation.> > > >

If you want more control over frequency and> > placement> > of your announcement, contact our Coordinator of> > Donor> > Relations, Dean Shelton: DeanShelton@kunm.org /> > 505-277-2163.> > > > Rogi Riverstone>

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Green apartheid

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Commentary: Green apartheid`Green economy' can be a luxury, and the gap between the haves and have-notsis widening
by Kent Paterson
Albuquerque TribuneApril 19, 2007


In the age of global climate change, green solutions are the in-thing. NewUrbanism-style living, sexy bicycles, nifty electric cars and fluorescentlight bulbs are rolled out as answers to the ecological crisis that is sinking Planet Earth.Visionaries who would've been dismissed as eccentric cranks or just plain ignored a decade ago are gaining a prominent place in the public discourse.Their solutions are interesting, innovative and futuristic.Yet, many proponents of the new green economy possess an upper-middle class bias that will only further pulverize hard-pressed working-class people if their ideas are put into practice without any fundamental changes in the political economy.

In New Mexico, examples of the new eco-classism are everywhere.The redevelopment of downtown Albuquerque provides a neat lifestyle for the yuppies who live in trendy lofts, charge their morning espresso and bagels on credit cards and cherish walking or biking to work. But an emerging eco-apartheid exists for workers who commute in jalopies from affordable sections of town, shop for cheap food at Wal-Mart and resort to payday loans to survive.

Street cars are cute additions to the New Urbanist landscape but do absolutely nothing for the many New Mexicans who live where basic bus service is either non-existent or an annoying joke.

A salient example of eco-elitism in action is in the battle over a town-home development planned for Northeast Albuquerque. Press coverage frames the fight in terms of low density vs. high density and New Urbanism vs. suburban conflicts. But the hoopla is meaningless to many - if not most - Duke City residents who can't afford either the pricey town homes or the existing single-family dwellings.

Familiar class and color lines are already etched in the changing natural -not economic - climate. While thousands of expensive new homes are sprouting up like desert wildflowers outside Las Cruces - carbon emissions reductions,anyone? - environmental refugees from last summer's Hatch flooding, the vast majority of whom are working-class Latinos, get a Federal Emergency Management Agency trailer park off Interstate 25 in Rincon.

On April 14, a new movement was launched in the United States. Called "Step it Up 2007," the coalition staged more than 1,400 actions in support of demands to reduce carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050. Step it Up promises more actions in the months ahead, including star-studded concerts in the mold of Live Aid. Movement spokesman and eco-guru Bill McKibben said that Step it Up aims to unite the citizenry across economic and racial boundaries.

"This is a global crisis that will affect all of us and requires immediate and bold action," McKibben affirmed. Noticeably absent from the April 14 actions was a clear message in solidarity with the still-displaced, low-income African-American refugees from Hurricane Katrina, who are among the first victims of environmentally excused ethnic and class cleansing. Prancing around in polar bear suits is a clever protest tactic, but organizing a national movement to ensure that all citizens have access to affordable, environmentally-efficient homes is another matter altogether.

At a public forum sponsored by KUNM-FM radio earlier this year, former NewMexico Environment Secretary Judith Espinosa was the only panel participant to cast the climate crisis in down-to-earth, class terms.

"Not everyone can afford to buy PNM's green wind power or green energy," Espinosa said. "Not everyone can afford a $26,000 Camry that is a hybrid vehicle." She raised the provocative question of why the budding green economy is so expensive when the ultimate price of our current, fossil fuel-based one is incalculable. Espinosa, who has a long history of community activism and service in working-class Chicano communities, is one of the few leaders with a green vision and an economic-justice outlook. More voices like Espinosa's are needed in the emerging climate change movement. Otherwise, it will be dominated by a well-intentioned, but well-off, white-hued green gentry.

Paterson is a writer and journalist based in Albuquerque who specializes incovering Mexico.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Email to the "Ellen Show"

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

The video of the cursing baby, carrying a beer bottle, is not humor. It is child abuse. I'm sick of seeing "prison mentality" on my tv. I expect better of YOU! So, stop cozying up to gangsters, thugs and trash who have no respect for healthy life.
The guy who made that tape could get a visit from Child Protective Services for that garbage. It doesn't deserve any more attention than a news report.
Can't you do better than THAT??