Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Friday, May 07, 2010

MOVIE: "Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas"

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Who says young adults will only buy a ticket to male hormone exploitation flicks?

This has beer and other bongs, ogling and inflatable palm trees, sure. That's part of college/young adulthood.

But the pretty girl ain't no bimbo. The best peer advisor is really honest about himself and the protagonist doesn't cringe with adolescent homophobia. The "homeless" guy is not (as the insulting blurb on NF says) a "lunatic;" he's a guy in crisis looking, gently and commitedly, for a way back.

In fact, behavioral health challenges aren't used here to manufacture cheap snickers. It's a fact: life is hard and sometimes, one needs to recover. No shame in it.

It's not a stupid movie. It's not Stephen Hawking, but, no offence, dude, Stephen hasn't really published fun. Interesting, inspiring, but not a lot of deliberate fun.

So, not too cerebral. Not too bone head macho.

The togas scared me, at first. I had "Animal House" flashbacks that almost made me turn it off. But it went dang cool really fast, and I'm good with it.

And what IS frog-on-a-stick?


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