Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Monday, April 17, 2006

a million things I COULD be doing...

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

I am doing laundry, just so's you know I'm not a total potato.

I did a LOT this week, and I'm pretty dang tired. Three days, six hours a day, in front of the computer: editing the radio play, researching the documentary, making phone calls....

I redesigned my web page, rriverstone works. It's stylin' now, boy.

Lots of people I emailed about the project are visiting it, this blog, my resume, my writing and radio samples, etc. But NONE of them has emailed me back yet! Whimper... Well, it's only Monday; I'm sure people have lots to catch up.

I don't expect to hear back from fsrn until Wednesday. So, for today and tomorrow, that's on hold.

The radio play's done -- my part, anyway.

I'm filling in on Women's Focus, April 29. You can go to KUNM for time, internet stream, etc. I'll only be on the air about fifteen minutes out of two hours. The regular host has "taped" interviews I'll be running. Dang. Oh, well... LOL. Mostly, I'll be babysitting the control room. Better than nothing, I always say. I get good listener feedback on my substitution broadcasts.

Guess I'll have a CD to transcribe tonight.

I haven't seen Willy pee since early this morning, when it was quite bloody. He was crying (not when he peed, though) sporadically and rather loudly, for him. He hardly ever cries. I think he was as loud this morning as he was while castrated. I've been "dosing" both goats with 6,000mg vitamin C in a gallon of water, with some molasses to make it palatable. I'm giving them as much as they want. They drink about half a gallon at a time. I'm waiting for my order of ammonium chloride to come in. Willy's not straining. His appetite's good and he's playing like normal again (he wasn't very playful for a few days, after the banding).

I read a website, by a vet, who said to palpate the bladder and urethra, to check for distension. The bladder's fine; he IS peeing. But Willy's willie is tender, and that made him cry, too. It doesn't now, though. Maybe I dislodged a stone?

I have a garden to plant, a chicken yard to clean up, my tent "garage" to fix (got knocked around by the wind last week; need to put some legs back together). I STILL have to clean my back pond. blah blah blah

I took the goats for a walk to the store on Saturday. It was only their second time. They didn't mind the leads so much this time, but they did yell their heads off, tied up outside the store. Everybody loves the (except the guy whose car hood they jumped up on, to get closer to his face).

My body's pretty sore from a bad fall last week, but the walk seemed to help.

Still don't know if The Big Thing will happen or not, but last week's next step went well, I'd say.

Just gotta let people discuss it among themselves and decide what they want...sigh.

Well, the laundry's done and I need to put in another load.

Have fun.

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