Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Original, stolen image -- now renamed and useless to the jackass:

My replacement:

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

So, in a few days, I'll just remove my "modified" smiley rainbow, so he'll have no image, at all. That'll mean the post below won't have it anymore, either.

He stole them from some of my net art.

Here are the URLs I had to fix. Mind you, I made "code" pages, so people could reproduce the art. I specifically said NOT to direct link to the images, or I'd have to remove the code pages from my site. But I won't do that; WebTV people love making "table art," and they're pretty good, these days, about TRANSLOADING images from one site to another. WebTV can't up- or download anything; they have to move things, across the internet, to their own domains or site hosts.

Here's my "art:"

Marquee Smiles

Marquee Tree

Gay Apparel

So, I had to go into my domain, look thru my net art, find the pages with the graphic, repair it and resave SIX pages!!! All on ONE cup of coffee.

Other than that, I'm having a nice day. LOL

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