Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Sunday, April 16, 2006

script pitch and other nightmares

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Well, I submitted my Memorial Day script pitch to fsrn. We'll just wait and see. It's worth $800, if they approve a go-ahead. I've contacted lots of people and expect a full mail box by Monday or Tuesday. I have plenty of research material and good contacts. I've designed the flier and emailed it to a buncha people who are visited by Native American Veterans. I even joined a yahoo group, membership pending, for Native women Vets with PTSD. Basically, if people will just say, "go for it," I can put it together quickly.

Sent it to Paul Ingles. He has a gig now with npr as a consultant to independent producers like me. He read over the pitch, made some edits and sent it back. He says it sounds good. And I certainly trust his experience.

Willy (goat) seems to have urinary tract stones. It's common in boy goats. I'm flooding him with a brew of vitamin C, molasses and water. Ordered some ammonium chloride to dose him if it gets worse. He's not in pain and has no trouble urinating yet, but I have to keep an eye on this; it could kill him.

Ma went to her office to do some school work, undesturbed.

Actually, I demanded use of her computer, best in the house. I'm editing a radio play today -- and it's a play I already hate, not having heard a word of it yet. I've already loaded it. Soon's I'm done with this post, I'll start. Good thing I have lots of: Oreos, soda pop, fried chicken and Hershey bars. It's gonna be a long day.

I copied the "pitch" into my rriverstone radio blog, if you wanna see it.

Paul's bringing by a Peace Talks CD for me to transcribe on Monday and Ma's giving him a copy of the "Deadline" DVD we got for him. I think he'll like it. Reminds me of the newsroom at KUNM, for sure! ugh.

Well, gotta do this dang radio play now. C U l8ters....

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