Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Thursday, July 22, 2004

not as trashy as I look

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

I brought a whole case of leftover bananas to the station yesterday.

Someone threw them all away and, apparantly, my sunglasses, too which seem to have landed in the box!

One of the construction guys helped me bring them up from the loading dock.

I was going to distribute bananbas around the bldg. to people who wanted them, but some yuppy made the unilateral decision to throw them all away, without asking, because they had a few, small brown spots. wonderful!

A reporter, whom I've been trying to help edit a story for print, is angry with me for getting heat stroke the other day. I rode my scooter about 30 miles in hot sun that morning and got sick. I left without picking up a print copy of the reporter's story. So, I got flamed for being selfihs and irresponsible. The reporter takes days, sometimes weeks, off work, because she "doesn't feel like" dealing with crap. The reporter lives about six blocks from my house and has an air conditioned car. Seems to me she could have dropped the copy off at my house. But all I get are nasty emails with, "whatever" in them...like this is high school? yeah, whatever. lol

That station makes people sick and crazy.

One of the sweetest, kindest people there damn near took my head off yesterday. She mentioned an upcoming meeting. I asked some details, since I'd never heard about it before. She repliend, "I don't know everything! You'll have to ask .... I hate being the middle man!"


So, I'm back in my lil slum, working on my piece about Marianna for This American Life, eating bananas and missing my sunglasses.

I got a bad migraine today. I went blind. I REALLY needed my sunglasses! poo

I just woke from a seven or eight hour nap; it's 1am.

I'll go back to sleep soon....

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