Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Friday, March 04, 2011

Charlie Sheen: I finally had to speak my peace

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He's dying in public. He is very, VERY, letally sick and too poisoned and delusional to protect himself from the greedy gossip rags and bored US citizens who want clowns, even if they're bleeding to death, to distract us from how totally we've screwed the pooch with our country, our community, our neighbors and our own lives.

He is our chance to feel smug: all his privilege, wealth and fame not only couldn't protect him from self-destruction, but probably aided and abetted it into a terminal condition. We like to think WE would NEVER let ourselves turn out like THAT, having NO idea, whatsoever, what kinds of pressures he was under, what symptoms he was trying to mask by self-medicating, how the sycophants and parasites that profited from him encouraged his addictions.

He is dying in a brutal, embarrassing, humiliating, degrading, public way and we are all laughing at him, pointing fingers and being just as nasty as we can, thinking THAT will make us feel better about ourselves.

He is dying. His children are losing their father. Everyone who loves him is losing their friend, family member and buddy.

He is dying, and it is a national holiday for ghouls.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

to think we are a culture of and victims of drug society is an understatement. The war on drugs is a farce but without this there would be no prisons, no police force with outrageous budgets! Charlie Sheen is the face of millions of Americans who are on a self destructive path every day and nite searching for that next high and selling their parents and grandparents for the cost of an 8 ball! No one is immune from what Charlie Sheen faces, death and destruction from within himself! We have choices to do what we want with our bodies but is this public suicidal hanging, so to speak, an example of what happens when someone with access to endless amounts of money is allowed to continue unchecked into the nite? The people that are around him are not friends, they are enablers who will suck him dry and move on to the next sucker/victim with false promises and loveless sex. Anyone who feels otherwise about this is only fooling themselves. If Josh Hamilton can get better, because there are caring people around him, then Charlie too, if he allows himself to, can also save whats left of his life for the sake of his twin boys. Pray to God he comes around to realizing this before its too late!