Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Monday, September 29, 2003


oh, boyoboyoboy! Smith's had 15 lb sacks of taters for a buck thirty!! That's less than ten cents/lb!! YIPPEEE!!!!

I got 2 sacks. AND sour cream on sale! AND butter on sale: a buck fifty/lb! AND Maya sweet onions: REALLY BIG ONES for ONION RINGS!!!

ON the way home, I found a big, wooden packing crate: almost big enuff to curl up in! You shoulda seen me with all them taters and crap and that BIG ol box, all in my little stroller! ROFLMAO!

I came home & baked TEN TATERS! I just finished a BIG one, with cheese, pepper, butter and sour cream...basically, a heart attack on a plate!

Chili taters! Vegie taters! Spaghetti sauce taters! Tuna taters! I LOVE TATERS!

The packing crate will be lined with "hay" from the weeds I pulled and newspaper. I'm gonna grow junk in it! It's tall as my knees! I could grow pumpkins in it!!

I'm full of potato, even the bit I snorted out my nose, reading Scott's post in my newsgroup! Pepper in a nostril is PAINFUL!

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