Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Something Sweet

Watching a PBS program on the desperate state of education globally.

A small house in Kenya. A large cardboard box, almost the size of a washing machine, serves as the family closet.

The mother has carefully covered the top of it with a small, hand-appliqued table cloth.

I do this.

Wide Angle: Time For School http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/shows/school/

Check out this web site. It's a lovely program.

I wish more popular media, tv, radio, broadcast programming about ordinary life in the global village.

We Americans know so little of others' lives. It's pitiful!

Australians know what our toilets look like, but we don't even know their major cities!

And what we Americans take for granted as rights!

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