Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


Offer your feedback and comments at Rogi's Kitchen Table.

This is the most satisfying feeling in the world: I have enough.

I have toilet paper to last until next month. I just bought dog and cat food and cigarettes.

The rent's paid and the repairs are done. I'm not in danger of eviction; that was all smoothed over in an accidental meeting with the property manager.

I have heat. They even fixed the leaky faucet in the bathroom; I no longer have to move the drip-catching bowl before washing my hands.

There's plenty of fire wood for emergencies or just for cuddly days.

My cupboards are full. So's the refrigerator.

And I still have about thirty dollars' food stamps left.

The phone bill is current. There's still some money in the bank.

In a week, turkeys go on sale for about four dollars each or less.

I'm looking forward to plenty of home cooked comfort foods that bring back good memories.

There's a big basket full of cheap chocolate.

Vegetables are growing in my greenhouse and my window sills.

I have a scooter and trailer to get me, my dogs and my junk around town easily.

I have my new domain name to work on and a chance to earn some money at it.

Tomorrow, I meet with a woman about volunteering for Working Classroom.

I have a washing machine, a feather bed, a fireplace, internet, televisions, vcr, good clothes, pretty things.

I don't need one, single thing right now.

It feels SO good!

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