Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Porkchop Is Scooter Trained

Offer your feedback and comments at Rogi's Kitchen Table.

For those of you who don't know, Porkchop is my ninety pound pit bull terrier. He's only that heavy because I couldn't run him properly and our yard is tiny.

Now that I have a scooter, that's changing rapidly. He's looking much more svelt and sleek and much less like a stripedy pig.

For a wild and crazy, nervous nelly, Porky has the scooter down now.

He runs on the sidewalk, parallel to me or just ahead and to the right on the street. He knows not to get his leash wrapped around trees and poles. He waits at intersections until I tell him to cross.

He will even avoid confrontations with dogs, if I keep an eye on him and don't let things get out of hand. I don't trust him, yet, not to chase a cat. He stays on leash.

But I have let him run beside the scooter on private property without leash, just to see what he does.

Today, he INSISTED on going with me to the Pueblo Cultural Center. I thought yesterday was a long walk, almost four miles. The Center is about 15 miles, round trip.

He did about five miles, with two rest and water breaks, before showing signs of fatigue. Then, I told him to get in the traler.

He was skittish, at first, because the trailer moves around a lot when standing still. But I coaxed and told him he's a good boy. The trailer command is, "go to bed!" which is a well used command in my home, especially if guests visit. He lay on my bag of canvas bags to put things in, my coat, and the tarp, so it was nice and soft. The trailer's just long enough for him to lay down in.

The scooter pulls him just fine; I could barely feel the difference, except when starting from complete stops.

Once it got moving, he was fine with it; the ride is stable and smooth. It only wobbles when it's standing still.

So, he got carried like a princess for about six miles of the trip. He also sits in the trailer just fine, as long as I have it propped securly against a wall. So, I can go inside a store and leave him in the trailer!

He's very tired. He couldn't wait to get another drink at home. He's sleeping with his head on my knee.

I'll bet, when I start up the scooter tomorrow, he'll be begging for another ride! LOL.

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