Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Monday, January 26, 2004

"Welfare:" a sonnet

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Sad, sickly, slow, ashamed, grieving and weak.
I stumble over cracks; I trudge and limp.
You hurl rocks, bottles, spit and hatred speak:
"Pig! Welfare leech! Trash Picker! Lazy wimp!"

"Stop ripping off my taxes! Get a job!"
I scurry off to hide. You laugh at me.
Half blind, my breath comes short; my muscles throb.
I stifle tears. Why can't you let me be?

A quarter century I've worked so hard:
Assembly, maid, fast food joints, door-to-door.
With acids, feces, concrete, blood and lard
My mind is stained; can't do it any more.

I eat and wear the garbage I can find.
Hate me, while Halliburton robs you blind!


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