Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Saturday, January 01, 2011

furnace peculiar

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Ok, at first, I thought it was just me. It's not; it's the furnace.

I noticed the red wire to the thermostat had been disconnected and the screw kept loosened. So, when I moved it here, I reconnected everything. Next morning, I came out here to find, even with the thermostat switched to "off," the damn furnace was running! I didn't feel any heat; I only felt cold air coming out the vents. At first, I thought, oh, hell! It used up all the propane! But I turned everything off, waited a few minutes and fired her up, getting warm air very soon.

So, I put it back the way it was before I "improved" it.


A few times, I've noticed the temperature dropping to the creepy crawly point and have discovered the blower fan is simply circulating cold floor air up through the vents. I have a little ritual for this. I turn everything off, disconnect that red wire (which I only hook to the screw when I want the furnace to work) and unplug the 2 electical cables inside the furnace box (after the blower fan stops, which takes a few minutes).

I heat a cup of coffee, which takes 2 minutes, and, while I wait, I turn on the oven pilot, give it a minute to have some gas and light it, to make sure I still have propane and to "cheat" and get some warm air for a few minutes, before the carbon monoxide can kill me. Then, I go back to the furnace, reconnect everything, set the thermostat to about 55f and everything works as it should. So, I sit in front of the oven with the door open, my coffee cup and ashtray on it and mumble to the cat about the stinkin' furnace.

The best way to describe the problem is this: I think the thermostat "feels" the right temperature to signal the furnace. I think the furnace always receives the signal and starts the blower fan. I think, intermittently, whatever triggers the propane to light is asleep at the wheel. but I don't know what that is or what to do about it. I guess it's an electronic ignition; I see no pilot light or door or opening to light it with a match. Could it simply be a dirty contact?

I see no brand name or model number on the furnace, inside or out.

It's 12f right now, at 10pm. It's predicted to get to around -3 or 5 tonight. I have NO idea how much propane I'm burning up, and am keeping the thermostat down at 55f, to try to stretch it. Before I moved in, I bought 2 15 bottles and one um is it 25? bottle of propane. I have one of each hooked up and open right now.

I'm scared I'm going to freeze to death and kill all my animals, too, and am afraid to go to sleep.

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