Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

can sleep in trailer tonight

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It's 12:30pm. All food is back in freezer and I've moved the refrigerator food, too.

I built my bed. It lies over 3 2-drawer filing cabinets and my tool cabinets. It is an aluminum frame from the bed that was in the back room.

I used a piece of aluminum frame , 1x6 feet, to make an overhead shelf, bolted to the overhanging cabinets. It comes from the bed conversion from the living room where the bed is now. It was a fold-out couch contraption in 2 pieces of frame. It is also bolted to the seat frames from the kitchen nook that makes a bed. They're 2 small pieces, 2x3 feet, that I've bolted to the walls on either end of the bed and bolted to the frame that runs the length of the bed, over my head. This reinforcement is necessary, as I'll use that overhead frame to pull myself into a sitting position, so I can get out of bed. it's also a great place for cats and for my hanging baskets, in which I put tv remotes, keyboard, mouse, telephone, facial tissues, lotion, a battery-powered mini-lantern that chirps like a cricket, notebooks, etc. I also hang a reading lamp, alarm clock, computer speakers and electric blanket control over my head, to save space and so I can access them easily while half asleep.

I've slept/lived in a bunk bed for over five years now and really love the overhead space, so I've replicated it in the trailer.

I'll use the original overhead cabinets to store linens. i can access them from the bed. I don't need to get in there very often, so it's out of the way. i expect cats will sneak in there, too, to sleep, so will cover everything with old cloths, to keep out hair and dirt.

The bed frame is covered with thin paneling that made the bed in the back room, topped by the "couch" cushions; one twin size, one 1x6 foot. I'll sleep on the twin part and cats will sleep on the narrow part. There's about a five inch strip of paneling and frame that extends out from the mattress, the length of the bed. that's perfect for my coffee and food.

over the foam, I put fleece blankets, which stick like velcro, to help hold the pads together. Over that, I put my goose down mattress cover, doubled up to twin size. Over that, I put a thick mattress pad, also doubled. On that, I put my linens. So, my bed is about five inches thick and very comfortable.

it's over thirty inches, off the ground. So, i put a little foot stool on the floor to pull out when it's time to sleep. I'll have to lift Weasel, my little dog, into the bed until i invent a dog ramp that won't take up much room. Cats can jump.

The bed is level with the window, so i can see the whole world from there. The old couch/bed was so low, one couldn't see out the window, lying down. The cats will really appreciate a comfortable sitting window.

i washed my electric blanket first thing this morning and hung it outside while we have some sunshine. Rain and snow are predicted for the next three days. This is my only window of opportunity to get the bed together, unless i wait until next weekend.

I've moved in all my coffee supplies and will bring in the microwave this afternoon.

While I've stowed the equivilent of 10 laundry baskets full of kitchen stuff in the trailer already, I have packed so well that I still haven't used half the existing kitchen cabinets yet.

I put a METAL filing cabinet over the furnace housing, that used to be a seat, in the kitchen. All my METAL pots, pans, etc. will go there. I left plenty of room for air intake there, when i put the freezer next to it.

There's plenty of work room in the kitchen. It doesn't feel crowded or cramped and I can reach things without moving stuff, digging, etc. I need a fully functional kitchen; I cook from scratch, all the time, international dishes. Everything must be efficient and accessible.

I have no more large pieces to put in the trailer, just 2 small cabinets and one more steamer trunk. The remainder is kitchen stuff, bathroom, books, records and my pretty stuff.

Solar panel and flat screen computer monitor arrive via UPS today. Will set up computer tomorrow and test out Verison MiFi system. 

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