Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Friday, December 24, 2010

soup pot bath

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I'm clean all over. The trailer got nice & warm in the afternoon sun & is well insulated. So, I brought out my big soup pot, filled it with h2o, heated it on the propane stove and cleaned out the shower.

I was extra evil: I turned the furnace full blast for a few minutes. I wanted to get completely wet and did NOT want any sort of chill, for ONCE! I mean, hell, it's xmas eve, y'know.

My shower has a small tub with a seat. I scrubbed from head to toe with brushes and scrubbers and shaved my whiskers.

Just washing my face left my skin scrubber gray, instead of blue. When I was done washing, I stood in the tub and poured warm water all over my dried out, clogged and tender skin.

Most of the pores had open, and now my legs and arms are silky, instead of rough. It was so bad, my skin was catching on my flannel gowns and electric blanket, pulling against them. It felt like I had stickers or splinters in the bed!

So, my hair's all fluffy and my scalp doesn't itch. My feet are pink, not gray. Everything's smoother and happier.

I made a big fire out of pieces of pulled-out cabinets. I have tuna steaks and rice cooking for supper and a big bag of marked-down, Hallowe'en Milky Ways. All four cats & both dogs are in bed with me. My newest NetFlix arrived and I'll watch it tonight.

I'll just build a solar water heater. On cloudy days, I can take another soup pot bath, like I did today. I never got cold. It was wonderful.

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