Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Thursday, February 12, 2004

I'm SICK of oatmeal!

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Blech! Every morning, I dutifully prepare a bowl of oatmeal: 1/4 c each of oats, filtered water, two percent milk, a dash of cinnamon sugar, a dab of butter, a small squirt of honey.

As it cooks in the microwave, I peel and eat one of the huge naval oranges I bought. They're so big, one qualifies as two servings of fruit.

I'm saving the orange peels. I'll soak them in sugar water, boil them on the stove with some corn syrup, dry, roll in granulated sugar.

But I'm tellin' ya: if I eat much more oatmeal, I'm gonna turn into a HORSE!

And, if I eat many more oranges, I'll turn into Anita Bryant (NOT).

Oatmeal is the consistancy of particle board crumbs and Elmer's glue.

I'm going to look up other cereals, such as wheat-based, to see if they help in cholesterol reduction, too. I need a bowl of cream of wheat, or SOMETHING!

And, while I feel very full when I eat a soft ball sized orange and a big bowl of oatmeal, by the time I've walked across campus to the radio station, I'm starving!

Feels like I might as well have eaten shredded paper and kool aid.


I'm trying to be good, honest. I'm eating my couple of tablespoons of tofu, mashed up in turkey-, chicken- or beef sauces or gravies.

I am very careful about sweets.

I eat a pat of butter, spread out all day.

I'm trying desperately to eat at least three servings of produce per day.

I bought two percent milk.

I've reduced my carbs, even though they were the bulk of my calories per day, since they're the cheapest things I can buy.

I'm even planning a trip to the Evil Food Co-op. I'd like to buy some soy products and produce. For instance, if there is such a thing, I'd like to get some soy flour, to mix with regular flour, for making pastas, baked goods, etc.

I call it the Evil Food Co-op for several reasons. For one, they look at me with disdain, since my diet's not Politically Correct. I also smoke tobacco...not in the STORE, mind you, but I'm reasonably sure they can smell it on me. I wear leather, when I can find it in the trash. I support the workers there who are trying to unionize, and are being treated by management like Traitors. And I have NO sympathy for pseudoscience, the paranormal and other wastes of time that distract from action. Not to mention the friggin' PRICES there!

My lil sixty dollars' food stamps would buy only about three or four sacks of food there, if I followed their thinking!

Vegetarians can be so uppity.

So, I gagged down another gluey, gloppy bowl of oatmeal this morning, wishing like hell it was sausage, eggs and waffles with butter and syrup. whimper.

I'm approaching food like medicine.

I always did, really. But now I'm being even more vigilant. I require daily doses of this and that. And I'm trying desperately to combine foods well, efficiently, beneficially and economically.

There are tribes of Arctic natives who survived on almost nothing but blubber. They weren't fat. They didn't have heart disease. But their genetic makeup had adapted to that diet. If I lived that way, I'd be dead in a month.

But animal protein provides me with a lot of what I need, by way of vitamins and minerals. I'm not giving it up.

Speaking of animal protein, I can't find eggs anywhere for less than a dollar a dozen! ANYwhere! Damned atkins!

I'd like to bake some stuff, while the weather's cold. But I need eggs!

The more I think about it, the more I want to kidnap some of those ducks at the duck pond on campus. They're starting to get ready to mate: pairing up, biting each others' tail feathers, strolling in the underbrush for nesting sites.

Soon, there will be babies in the pond. Maybe I could snag some. Don't tell anybody.

Animal Control has to thin out the duck pond regularly, when it gets over populated. But I can't bring home ducks on the bus from the pound! And I bet they charge for 'em, too. Better I just sneak over there with my volley ball net and snag my own.

Ducks are noisy. But everybody in my bldg. is either so stoned, drunk or mentally ill, I bet they wouldn't notice.

My electric was out again this morning when I awoke. No heat, no refrigeration...

It's because it's so windy. And it'll be windy until April.

I tapped on Raoul's window in the alley and asked him to keep an eye on my breaker switch in his apartment.

I hate asking him for anything. He's an abusive jerk.

But my electric is back on, for now.

I keep telling the management I need my own breaker box and that there's some problem caused by the wind. But they don't give a damn.

All the cats are in because it's below freezing and windy out there. They only go out to relieve themselves.

I'm still in a lot of pain today. My entire back is becoming affected now. When I sat on the sofa this morning, I had a sickening pain in my lower back.

I have no idea what's wrong.

I'm just going to take it easy, keep it to light chores, keep doing my weights, and wait for things to get better.

Well, it's time to get going again.


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