Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Friday, February 13, 2004

Sound familiar?

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

AUGUST 21, 2003
Schrader Wins Again
From the letters section of Albuquerque's Weekly Alibi:

Dear Alibi,

Responding to "Inside the City's Water Conservation Program" (July 24-30), I use less than seven gallons of water a day for all uses inside my home. In 1999, I disconnected the drainpipe for my one and only sink. I use a five-gallon pail underneath to catch the sink's wastewater. I use a smaller pail to pour past almost two gallons of the wastewater directly into the center of the toilet bowl to flush.

In 1999 I also removed the shower faucet handles. Most people on earth, past and present, have had no home showers. I use the sink and a wet cloth to wash my body. I have no right to more than I need while others have less than they need.

As an all-raw food vegetarian, I eat no meat, no dairy, no cooked food. I have very few dishes to wash. I wash my clothes by hand in my sink. I have a purifier for my drinking water to remove most of the chlorine, fluoride and other poisons from the city water. I am glad I have no car to wash, no lawn to water and mow. I love to live simply!

Swamp coolers waste a hell of a lot of water. I have never used a swamp cooler, a fan or an air conditioner in my home since I moved in over 15 years ago. In warm weather I open the door and windows for cross ventilation and I live naked.

If Albuquerque continually squanders twice the amount of water that is being replenished in the aquifer, how insanely stupid. Water is far more precious than money, computers and high tech industry like Intel. We borrow the earth from those who come after us. We must stop stealing and poisoning their water.

The least sane choice is to make sure that we use no more water than is being replenished in the aquifer--far more sane and responsible would be to consume much less water than is being replenished in order to gradually return the aquifer level to what it was centuries ago, before the European invasion.

We all choose daily every time we turn on faucets- spoiled rotten, selfish stupidity or wise, fair sustainability!

Don Schrader
Posted on August 21, 2003 at 04:11 PM |


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