Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Sunday, October 05, 2003

You're Damn Right, I'm A Bitch!

I defied their little, secret code of behavior. I protected what's important to me. So, one of their women followed me outside and called me a "bitch." Her behavior, of course, comes from the sloppy, abusive, irresponsible trend of communications, popularized by such social role models as The Jerry Springer Show.

But I AM a bitch! And I'm not only not ashamed of it, I'm PROUD of it! It keeps me alive. It protects those I love. And I will BE a bitch!


Dark Goddesses : Monsters : The Bitch

The Bitch

Bitchy adj : having the threatening characteristics of a female canine (a wolf, dingo, coyote, wild dog, fox) applied esp. to a woman who is active, direct, blunt, obnoxious, competent, loud-mouthed, independent, stubborn, demanding, achieving, overwhelming, Lusty, strong-minded, scary, ambitious, tough, brassy, boisterous, turbulent, sprawling, strident, striding, and large (physically and/or psychically). Canny Comment:
Bitches are good examples of how women can be strong enough to survive even the rigid, punitive socialization of our society. As young girls it never quite penetrated their consciousness that women were supposed to be inferior to men in any but the mother/helpmate role. They asserted themselves as children and never really internalized the slave style of wheedling and cajolery which is called feminine....All Bitches refused, in mind and spirit, to conform to the idea that there were limits on what they could be and do.
-- Joreen, "The Bitch Manifesto"
-- Mary Daly and Jane Caputi, Websters' First New Intergalactic
Wickedary of the English Language

Isn't it odd how men think they're insulting a woman by calling her a "bitch"?

The story of Rome's founders, Romulus and Remus, being suckled by a wolf-bitch may come from a very ancient Sabine cult of Lupa, the Goddess as a She-Wolf.

But why men fear "bitches" may have more to do with a dim memory of the association of many death-dealing goddesses with hounds, such as Artemis, Hecate and Hel. To this day, much folklore associates dogs with death.

"According to the Vedic tradition, the Bitch-goddess Sarama was the mistress of the death dogs, and a divine huntress like Artemis, Diana, Anath and other western versions of the lunar maiden."

-- Barbara Walker, The Woman's
Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends

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