Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Thursday, March 11, 2004

spring cleaning

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Well, I killed myself yesterday.

I had to move the washer, to find out why it had been making such a racket, last time I used it. Seems the spindle was rubbing against the platform on which it was resting. I almost killed it. The resistance had been so bad, the overheating circuit breaker had kicked in and the machine refused to work again 'til it had cooled. There were actually metal filings! Yikes!

So, I moved it out and tried to level the area. Moved it back and did five loads of blankets, linens and clothing!

Then, I moved the rest of my large planting containers out of my fenced yard and into the empty lot. This includes moving 6 5-gallon buckets of potting soil. moan.

I then cleaned up some clutter in my fenced yard. It collects every winter. I had to pack and repackage stuff, sort through things...blah blah.

In all, I spent 6 hours outside, working.

Forgot to eat breakfast, beyond a small bowl of oat cereal.

So, when I came in at 12:30, I was famished and wolfed down 2 turkey burritios and 2 glasses of iced tea.

I took a 3 hour nap. When I woke at 5pm, I ran outside, gathered the dry laundry off the line, threw waterproof covers on lawn furniture and work tables and collected logs for the fire place.

It's supposed to rain or snow today, but I'll bet it doesn't arrive 'til tomorrow.

Meantime, I have clothing on hangers, drying all over the house. Didn't dare leave them out last night, cuz I knew a strong wind would have thrown stuff everywhere.

I have a German pancake in the oven and 1/2 lemon waiting. Coffee's fresh and hot. House is heating so I can take a long, hot shower.

I have six loads of laundry to put away today, dishes to wash, decluttering to do, etc. My neighbor who lives in the guest house beyond the empty lot says I can borrow her vacuum this week. Good thing: the dust bunnies are almost bigger than I am!

I'm getting ready to start gardening: repaired some fences, restrung some water lines, etc.

If everybody will leave me alone, I ought to get alot done before the inner tubes arrive.

I'm running out of asprin, which is really bad; I'm in a LOT of pain!

I went to bed early: 10:30; I usually go to bed around 1am.

BUt I want to start waking at 5:am again now, as spring is coming and I can work outside in early day light.

Smells like the pancake's done.

C U L8terz

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