Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Sunday, March 14, 2004


You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Well, happy SUnday! It's blindingly sunny outside, and Osa, my long haired black cat, is snoozing at my side on one of my pillows, in a puddle of sun. When I sit still...which ain't often..she velcros herself to my shoulder, elbow or arm for a cuddle nap. I am the source of all fried carbohydrates, and must be guarded.

The lumps have begun to subside. I suspect they were infections, brought on by the systemic infection caused by my bad teeth.

I've got a weird sore spot on the right side of my lower back. It doesn't feel like muscle strain. It hurts constantly, no matter my position. So, I'm protecting my back.

House is warming for a shower. I need to go to the radio station for general orientation today.

I treated myself to a HUGE sandwich last night: the last 1/3rd of that loaf of whole wheat French bread, speared with butter and cream cheese, with slices of tomato and leaves of BokChoy, sprinkled with soy sauce, and liberally sprinkled, think slices of turkey breast. This was served with thin slices of daikon radish and one of those spicy dill pickles. Took a whole hour to eat it.

So, this is the first morning in a long time I haven't woken desperately hungry.

I'll eat a simple omlette, orange and oatmeal. I'll pack a turkey burrito for lunch at the station.

Someone has offered to pay for a new tire for the scooter, so I have research to do, to buy one.

The changes in my diet ARE making me stronger and are helping with the pain and fatigue. Not a lot, yet, but I see the difference.

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