Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

what a meeting!

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Now, we're talking a public school board meeting. Sounds pretty dreary, huh?

And a budget meeting? Doesn't that sound boring?

I was moved nearly to tears on several occasions.

What's happening to APS is a tragedy. And it's happening all over the state. It's happening all over the country!

I know whom to contact now.

This is a hell of a story!

I'm not saying too much in here. For one thing, it's best I not publish my opinions on this, since I'm reporting it. For another thing, I know for a FACT that at least one reporter in Albuquerque is reading this blog! LOL! And she CAN scoop me! Hi, AH, how you doin' girl?

So, I'll keep my lips zipped for now.

But I will tell you a funny.

As you know, I killed myself for half a day, working on that friggin' scooter.

Well, I put on my black cordeuroy sp dress with red apples all over it...it's a school board meeting, y'know? I carefully and slowly drove my scooter there. I came around the corner of the building and saw all 3 tv network affilliate's vans & SUVs, parked in front, satellite dishes erect.

And here I come, on that silly scooter with KUNM bumperstickers on each side of Porkchop's dog carrier! LOLOL WITH my headphones on, don't cha know, cuz I was listening to the KUNM evening news!

I just LAUGHED AND LAUGHED! I drove RIGHT through the reporters, who froze, like deer in headlights, drove to the bicycle rack and parked my lil' hummer.

They just STARED!

I giggled the whole way in, as I fumbled with mic and headphone cords and set up my mini disc and reporter's notebook.

They figured out I was a reporter, right away, and stayed pretty far away from me. Except for one print journalist, who sat in the 2nd row, behind me in the 1st row, no reporters would come near me.

It was a very special and frightening meeting. It was seriously moving.

I'm glad I went. I just hope I worked the minidisc right!

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