Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Monday, April 12, 2004

u should smell my house!

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

I've got the tomatoes cleaned, blanched, food processed and cooking.

I ended up with about 3 gallons of stuff, but I'm reducing it into thick sauce.

It's got fresh basil, oregano, marjoram, garlic, onions.

I threw in a few dried chilis, too, and a fresh one.

It's very sweet sauce; those tomatoes were fresh as apples!

The bad tomatoes are out in my compost already.

I brought home literaly a car trunk full of food yesterday, and it's all put up today.

Good thing I found those zipper freezer bags today, so I can put up that tomato sauce in the KUNM freezer! There's going to be at least two gallons!

I'm letting it simmer for hours.

It sure smells wonderful! Glad I got me some marked down spaghetti today; I'm going to have to eat some of that!

Smells like an Italian restaurant in here. Nothin' like fresh herbs! yummy!

I'm gonna HAVE to grow me some basil, somehow!~ I'm addicted to the stuff!

My house still looks like crazy people live here, but I just don't have the strength to do it all.

I have a long day at the radio station tomorrow, anyway...

Now, what will I have for dinner: ham with pineapple, chicken with pineapple, chicken with spaghetti, fried fish, or cheese and fruit?


I'm so happy, I could pop!

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