Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Friday, June 18, 2004

Half a MiniDisc and counting....

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Dudette, aka Laura, my old boss gave me a gig. I've been writing clues for some word game she's working on for her site Games4tv.

I get fifty bucks per two hundred. I just finished the first batch, scant about ten...she'll count and let me know this weekend.

She wants another batch.

So, I have fifty bucks; I just earned fifty bucks: half a MiniDisc.

I'm a little too sleepy to do more right now. I like them to have puns and rhymes in them, to clue the player.

She really likes my clues. That's saying something; she's a helluva writer, her own self! Ex Radio gal, too, by the way. Hell, she's been an executive, airplane pilot, publisher, author, gardener, trash can exploder, cat apostle, equestrian, earth mother, nerd.....

She's what Scout (To Kill A Mockingbird) grew up to be!

I can imagine her, running through the woods in a ham costume and underpants!

I really like Laura. She gave me my first steady writing gig at Net4tv Voice.

I guess she's been reading my blog, knows I need a minidisc, and thought, "hey, I'd rather play with my cats and grow giant, accidental tomatoes than beat my brains out, writing these damn clues! Let Rogi do it!"

Soon's I pay off my bank, buy my store-bought teeth and move out of this slum, I'm getting a plane ticket to Lost Angeles, and she's on my list of people whose refrigerators I intend to raid.

Just think: I'm actually planning to visit HOME again!

I'd given up thinking I'd ever get to go back!

Hell, the way I'm going, I could end up on the air at KCRW again....nothin' like getting fan mail, on the air, at the largest NPR outlet outside of D.C., huh?

So, if I finish another batch of clues, I'll be three quarters of the way to a MiniDisc!

Waiting semi-patiently for word on the loaner puter & microphone. I hope it wasn't too buggy or something...

I'd bite my nails, but I just gave myself such a NICE manicure this morning!

There's a showing of the movies from DigiFest tonight, I think. Sure wish I could go. I love junk like that! Volunteer film crews, with digital cameras, producing movies from original scripts, all over Albuquerque.

I bet that was fun.

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