Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Friday, June 11, 2004

man, my LEGS!

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I guess all the housework caught up with me. My legs are weak, sore, hot and throbbing this morning.

For someone who was SUPPOSED to be resting & on vacation, I've sure done a lot the last, few days.

I even cleaned and sorted that case of carrots & juiced them.

I've discovered the BEST way to revive wilted root vegetables; I soaked both the carrots and beets in buckets of water!

I managed to save most of the produce that way. A few carrots split lengthwise from this: soaked too much water, too fast and got slits in them. I threw them out, since that dirty water got inside. Well, not dirty, but not clean, either.

I didn't save the carrot pulp for carrot cake for that reason. They were also old and woody, so the pulp was a tad bitter.

I'm pickling the beets today. I'll do it on the hot plate. I don't want my house full of hot vinegar fumes. ick.

I have a few more tubs of tomato sauce to freeze, but I'm pretty done with that. I just take a few out to the FNB fridge, whenever I go, to make room in mine.

If people bring by food tomorrow, I'll start processing it right away, to save time on Sunday. We also need as many cooking surfaces as we can get. So, boiling up some taters for tater salad, for instance, wouldn't be a dumb idea.

But my legs! I'm all floppy and tender.

I heard from the scooter tire guy; the tires and tubes have been shipped, and are on the way! ahhh..wheels!

I can get a dang VACUUM BELT!

I got the soap the other night; that's how come I have bed linens, drying all over the yard right now.

Everything in my house, except the unvacuumed floor, is clean.

And it weren't easy, McGee.

Good thing I got this here bottle of a thousand asprins. I'm gonna be poppin' em like candy today, buddy!

Good lord! There's mercury in kids' vaccines! How is THAT ok??

Yeah, trust the medical establishment...gees.

I'm sorry: mercury is NOT good for us at low doses, like sunshine and water!

Mercury is a heavy metal; it accumulates in the system, like lead. Small doses pile up.

Scary times, buddy!

While we're at it, let's feed our kids low doses of asbestos in their breakfast cereals!


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