Poverty Is Not an Accident

Poverty Is Not an Accident
Nelson Mandela

Saturday, June 26, 2004

pinchy headed

You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com

Is the head ache cuz of weird sleep, puter squinting, stormy weather, bad teeth or not enough liquids? ho knows....asprins away.

I forgot: I got 2 lil game hens on sale the other day; I cooked them in blackening rub with mandarin oranges today...I need to put them in the 'fridge.

We have good stuff for Food Not Bombs tomorrow!

I'll have to take it easy tomorrow: I'm a little fuzzy.

I'm thinking of actually planning to celebrate my birthday this year, instead of enduring it. Guess I could invite folks from FNB and KUNM for an evening barbeque.

My daughter began dying on my 40th birthday, so it's always hard. She would have been eight this year: a really fun age. sigh.

Ok, time to put the chickens to bed, and then me.....

Sweet dreams!

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